Postpartum Body Image

I created the following social media images to discuss myths about the postpartum body in efforts to improve postpartum body image among women. This project was completed as part of my final MSW practicum at the Center for Body Image Research & Policy in collaboration with Harmony Birth Services.


Reproductive Anatomy…with Play-Doh

Probably NSFW

This past Spring Semester, I was given the honor of judging undergrad students’ models of reproductive anatomy for their Sexual Health Advocacy class. This course is one I never got to take myself, but I am very passionate about the lessons and the knowledge students take away from the course. Namely, they learn about the need for true comprehensive sex education and that sex education saves lives! Anyway, back to the fun part. The tools available to them? PLAY-DOH, PIPE CLEANERS, GOOGLY EYES, POMPOM BALLS, WASHI TAPE. To say the least, this was an extremely fun and extremely challenging event to judge! Models were judged based on accuracy, creativity, and inclusivity.

1.  In this collage are the most creative winners! The female model included two parts in which you find the internal aspects of anatomy if you remove the vulva. There were mentions of Ronald McDonald on the male model…


I don’t think anyone ever wanted to image that part of Ronald McDonald…


2.  Winners of “Most Medically Accurate Anatomy” included the many internal layers of female and male anatomy, some of which you had to see as the students were creating the models. Let’s just say the largest penis of them all was somehow the most medically accurate based on the inclusion of glans, vessels, ducts, foreskin, etc. in the model. And the female model was the only one that included endometrial lining, cervix, anus, and urethra in addition to the more commonly included parts. Yes, many excluded the anus and urethra and didn’t put the internal organs together with the otherwise visible external organs.


Lady over on the left liked to dye her pubes purple, but the poor fella only had one testicle remaining… he had a blue ball!

3. Honorable mentions on female reproductive anatomy from the day’s sexual health class! These students are really creative and it shows that Play-Doh is for all ages. Can you guess which one is my favorite? (HINT: green is my favorite color)

4. Honorable mentions on male reproductive anatomy from the day’s sexual health class!  Several were very accurate to include seminal vesicles and prostate, while others were quite visually…entertaining! Try to figure out which one was dubbed the “Smurf penis”…

All in all, this was easily one of my favorite experiences in the classroom. I never had any formal sex education and very little knowledge about reproductive anatomy, so much so that I found a piece of paper on a classroom floor once where they were obviously teaching male anatomy in an earlier class that day…and I didn’t know half of what was on the sheet so I took it home to study it. I was 23. I was already convinced comprehensive sex ed was needed at that point, but this day of Play-Doh penises and vulvas really demonstrated that sex ed can save lives!