My Path to and through Social Work: “The Power of Vulnerability”

We watched this TED talk in class tonight and it really hit hard with me in so many ways, in my personal life and in my academic career. I highly recommend all watch it (it’s not limited to just social worker hearts and minds)!
Though I can’t pinpoint the exact moment, I know there was a point where I became just slightly more vulnerable to others and that is what pushed me to switch to social work. Initially, it was vulnerability in the form of compassion for others. Being vulnerable myself was not even a thought or option at first because I have a very deeply rooted fear that being vulnerable would lead people to reject me and being vulnerable in that would bring more pain that I could handle. It was after I began the process of pursuing social work, a career all about compassion, that I learned I didn’t believe I was worthy of the same compassion I was giving.

I didn’t believe I was worthy of the same compassion I was giving

While believing I am worthy of compassion and connection is still something I am working on and will be for a while, embracing and focusing on the positives of vulnerability has been empowering in building my own self-worth, which, as a result, has allowed me to possess greater kindness and undying care for the people around me and the great compassion required of social workers. Being vulnerable is scary and seems very risky at times, but I think the “high risk, high reward” idea is very applicable here and, frankly, I think in the context of vulnerability the saying should be “high risk, much higher reward.” And honestly, being vulnerable allows us to be more authentic and authenticity is really what I want and need out of myself, the people I love, and (hopefully) this world.