Slut Shaming and Mental Health Project

This post is about one of my very recent projects in graduate school. For my Research Methods in Social Work class, my partner and I were particularly interested in the effects of slut shaming on young women’s mental health. We created a professional survey by which to collect data concerning experienced and perceived slut shaming as well as information regarding mental health status and history from young women at the multiple colleges and universities in Columbia, Missouri. The possibility of publication is being thrown around so I will not divulge any direct quotes from our final draft (although, feel free to request more information privately…I am happy to share more!).

We presented our research to our class at the end of the semester. It seems odd that we are smiling in this picture when “Sexually Depressed” is so easily read on our poster. Yet we were truly excited to share the knowledge we gained from our study as very little research on this topic currently exists.

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